The Journal of Lexicography and Terminology (Online ISSN 2664-0899; Print ISSN  2517-9306) is a Peer Reviewed Multi-disciplinary  serial that is published twice a year. The Journal provides an opportunity to both local and international scholars to publish conceptual, ideological and research articles that are associated with terminology and lexicography across disciplines. 


Style/format of the text

 Include all your names in full on the first page of the article. The article should be typed in Times New Roman font 12 and spaced at 1.5, with references on a separate sheet immediately following the text.

 The referencing style to use is the American Psychological Association (APA) style for both in-text and on the list of references. Examples on how to compile a reference list for a journal articles and a book is provided below.

 Bibliographic or reference entries should be complete with surname(s) of author(s), first name and initials of other name(s), year of publication, title of the work (italicise title), city /town or place of publication and the publisher as exemplified above.

 A separate front page should include

        (i) The title of the Manuscript

        (ii) The author’s names, title and institutional affiliation

        (iii) A brief biography about the author(s)

 A second page should include the title and a one-paragraph abstract of 100 to 300 words.

 Lengthy quotations should be well indented on both sides from the rest of the text in block quotations.

 Manuscripts should carry scholarly insights in the author’s subject area and contribute something to the advancement of knowledge.

 Submission of Journal Articles

The procedure for submitting articles is as follows: First, Register by clicking here. Your password must contain six numbers. You will see four options after registering. Select make a new submission. You can also check other options for your information about the journal. If you are already registered, remember your log in details whenever you want to make a new submission. If already registered please click here to log in.  If you have any challenges with any of the processes stated above, you can contact the Editorial Board. 

         Note that manuscripts will not be returned unless your article is accepted for publication.  

         The manuscript should be between 2,000 and 6,000 words in Microsoft Word.

         The manuscript to be submitted must not have been submitted anywhere else for publication.

  Language in which articles should be written

All articles to be submitted for this journal must be written in Standard English Language.

 ==========THE END============

Let the writers publish